Quick rethinking in the crisis?

Over the past few days, I’ve been in video conferences almost continuously with companies that need support. I am honestly overwhelmed by how many entrepreneurs are currently growing beyond themselves and trying to overcome this crisis AND support their fellow human beings.

Opportunities for companies in times of crisis

The current measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus have hit many companies hard and present them with unimagined challenges. With this article I do not want to sugarcoat the situation, but I would still like to show you, as far as possible, opportunities in marketing and digitization. Because every crisis also opens up opportunities that should be seized.

5 Vorteile einer Always-On-Kampagne auf Facebook

Vermutlich ist dir auch bereits der Satz untergekommen, dass heute kein Weg mehr an Always-on vorbeiführt. Oft hört man, dass diese Kampagnen sinnvoller sind und für Unternehmen auch besser funktionieren. Vermutlich hast auch du schon davon gehört und kamst öfters mit dieser Empfehlung in Berührung. Aber was steckt eigentlich dahinter?

Afterwork Business Cocktail